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A really strong case for using outsourced trainers for your learning and development needs is Cost Saving.

Savings tend to be around 20%, brought about by:

  • Working with a commercially aware supplier operating as a cost centre
  • Increased “percentage utilisation”. Having a permanent full time L&D resource means inevitably there will be peaks and troughs in utilisation of this resource. Internal utilisation is typically 60-70% whereas external utilisation is typically 95% upwards.
  • Reduced overheads including:
  • NI and pensions; all trainers are set up as limited companies and are IR35 compliant
  • No career planning or training costs



Outsourcing relationships involve transferring or sharing management control and/or decision making between client and supplier.

Essentially the main reason organisations choose to outsource is to increase their competitive advantage; through for example lowering costs, redirecting energy or streamlining resources.  Often bringing in specialist outside services in any given area allows the client to fully focus on their primary business streams.

Whatever the actual reasons for an organisation going down this route, they should be clearly defined and communicated up front.

Once the reasons are clear an organisation can think about finding a supplier; and one of the critical requirements of a successful outsourcing partnership is alignment of values.

For outsourcing partnerships to be successful you must have alignment between partners in terms of values and what they stand for. Any organisation considering outsourcing should start by truly understanding and then profiling their L&D strategy and values  – before they begin searching for a partner. The profile then acts as a set of measures that any potential provider can be assessed against.

Overall you need to decide which elements of people development in the business are best done internally and which are best outsourced to a specialist learning partner.

Over the next few posts, we’re going to look at decisions that need to be considered when choosing to use outsourced trainers. These were written by Brian Broadbent, Marton House MD, based on his years of experience with providing outsourced training to FTSE 250 companies.


And the final step to creating a successful personal brand is Performance.

You’ve written succinctly your Passion, you’ve written out a Plan and you’ve made a decision to be Persistent in establishing your personal brand. Now it is about putting it all into practice.

Get your name out there, do the ground work, make sure people know what you are passionate about. Make sure people at work notice the excellent work you are doing and the contribution you are making.

At the end of the day all the sitting and thinking is critical to getting it right, but you also need to now get out and follow the plan persistently. Ultimately, how you perform will determine the strength of your personal brand. There are no short-cuts, but by following the previous three steps, you will make it a whole lot easier and more effective for yourself.


The third P when developing a successful personal brand is as the title suggests, is Persistence.

Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day or the brand Coca-Cola, neither will your personal brand be established in your marketplace in a day. You will need to be clear on your passions, clear on your plan and then be persistent in both. As we all know it takes time to build a brand. Large companies might have billions of dollars to throw at a brand. You probably don’t and to be fair, you don’t need to. Your currency is persistence.

What does that look like?

Well, you need to set aside regular time to develop your brand. That means maybe reading, studying, writing, networking. Chalk it into your diary well in advance because the day-to-day activity will fight for your time.

How will you make sure you stay focussed on your end goal? What are you going to use as your motivating factors when the going gets tough?


Consider realistically how long you think it will take for you to fulfil the plans you chalked out in the previous step. That way, you are aware of the amount of commitment required.

Finally think about why you are developing your personal brand and what the consequences of inaction might be. In the words of another famous brand, you know you’re worth it 🙂



Hopefully you have written at sentence or two that summarises what you are passionate about.

The next step is to Plan your personal brand. You need to create a road-map which requires you to ask the obvious question: What is your destination i.e. what perception do you want people to have when they see your logo?

Then think about how you get there. Are there certain targets that you need to achieve? Who are the people you need along the way to help you get to where you want to be? What resources (such as knowledge and skills) will you need?

And finally, how will you know when you get to your destination in regards to your Personal Brand? What is going to the measure of your personal brand success? Will you do a questionnaire amongst business associates? Will it be that you have had x number of ‘best answers’ on LinkedIn? Will it be that you have had x number of referrals from LinkedIn?

So my encouragement is to set aside a good hour to plan how you develop your personal brand. It will be an hour very well spent.

The starting place when formulating your personal brand is to consider what drives you. Your passion.

If you don’t have passion, you’re going to struggle to have followers. People need to know why they are following you and that comes from making sure your passion is clear and evident.

There are few better (or worse) examples of passion creating gravity than Hitler. Watch archive footage and you will see the passion with which he spoke of the Fatherland and his vision for Germany. Sure it was seriously warped and I’m not suggesting you grow a short moustache and shout at the top of your voice at every team meeting. That would be the anti-gravity model!

You do, however, need to consider and write down what makes you passionate. This model can be applied to work and personal life situations.

– What gets you excited, passionate, angry?

– Where do you make the biggest difference in your organisation?

– What are some of the core beliefs that determine your actions?

– What are your personal, team and organisational aspirations?

This is the starting point to creating a strong personal brand. Once you have written some of those answers down, try and summarise in a sentence or two.


As mentioned in the last post, you have gravity and you can grow your gravity.

Over the coming week we will consider how to do that using the 4 P’s of Personal Branding

– Passion

– Plan

– Persistency

– Performance

Ah, the joys of alliterations! Happy branding!

Having watched the Gravity Model video, you need to now measure your current gravity. How much pull and influence do you have on your team, your business advocates and in the market.

Here’s a list of questions that will help you gauge your gravity:

– How many of your team can articulate what your are passionate about?

– How many top candidates have approached you to join your team?

– How many times have you been invited to give a talk at a seminar?

– How many people from other areas of your business phone you for your advice?

– How many times have you been suggested as an expert on LinkedIn?

– How many networking events have you been to in the last 6 months?

– How many of your competitors have you met with in the last 6 months?

Whatever your answers to those questions, the truth is that you have gravity, otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are today! The other truth is that you can grow your gravity. It just takes some thought and effort. And the next few posts will help you do just that.

Here is a short video that describes a powerful concept that helps understand what Personal Branding is all about.

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