You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2008.

On my daily visit to Shorpy’s Blog I found this image of an Oldsmobile shop window taken in 1922:

How often in today’s world do you see such an interesting display for a car showroom?

Though surely in a modern society where we are seeing more competition, fewer customers and tighter purse strings we all need to be doing that one little extra thing that makes us stand out from the crowd.

Putting your product on a podium is no longer enough, it’s the bling you display around it that gets the customers through the door.

This could be a psychological memory recall which links back to childhood feelings of the toy in the shop window that was just out of reach but you’d still go and look at it every day nonetheless. 

Reminding your punters of the good things is the oldest trick in the book but it still works.  Did you manage to ignore the smell and walk past the bakers this morning without going in to buy?

image courtesy of


Say No to Yes!

Say No to Yes!

The impact of saying yes to everything you are asked to do can be catastrophic.  It can cause undue stress, mistakes and serious time management issues.  

How often has somebody poked their head in to ask what is in their mind is a quick question, which in actual fact turns into a major task for you?

In reality situations like these can take you away from more important, more pressing work.  

The trick is recognising, and filtering the stuff you can deal with and turning down the things that could mean you not getting home until the small hours.


Obviously you don’t want to become known as the person in the office that says “no” to everything.

For the “nice” people who like to say yes it’s no easy task just to get the letters N-O over your lips so the “yes guys” over at have compiled a list of ways to let people down gently.

Yesterday we drove around in a vehicle all day, the inside of which smelled like a dog had been to the toilet. We didn’t make the doggy-doos smell, it was already there when the hire vehicle was delivered to our door.

Would you deliver a stinking product to your customers?

Of course by the end of the day we all stank like wet dogs anyway as the British weather rained on us so I guess we blended in to our environment anyway.

Sadly the intoxicating fumes meant our sound man didn’t make it (see below).

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